The providers and office staff acknowledge and adhere to the following patient rights and responsibilities as related to the patient’s care.
- Patients have the right to quality services, appropriate to their health care needs, which are delivered in a timely manner.
- Patients have the right to appropriate medically necessary medical care.
- Patients have the right to reasonable access to medical care.
- Patients have the right to confidentiality in regard to medical and social history, individual medical records and medical information.
- Patients have the right to be treated with dignity, respect and consideration.
- Patients have the right to be informed about personal health as it concerns medical conditions, diagnostic tests and treatment plans.
- Patients have the right to change physicians/providers.
- Patients have the right to a second opinion.
- Patients have the right to involvement in decision-making concerning treatment.
- Patients have the right to refuse participation in research. Human experimentation affecting care or treatment shall be performed only with a patient’s informed consent.
- Patients have the right to auditory and visual privacy during a visit.
- Patients have the right to approve or refuse the release of information except when the release is required by law.
- Patients have the right to refuse treatment or therapy. Such persons will be made aware of the consequences of their decision and it will be documented in their medical record.